Almost exactly one year ago, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. My official one year anniversary has almost arrived. I feel as if I have hit a huge milestone in my life and should celebrate royally! Another year survived and another year alive- that's something to celebrate!
This cancer journey has been nothing short of a crazy, scary, amazing, blessed, stretching, growing, refining, shocking, trusting experience. I have grown so much in a year. I am learning so much about myself and who I am and who God is. And I still have so much more to learn, but it's amazing what can happen in one year. And it's crazy to think that exactly one year ago my cancer journey began as well as another journey. My journey of becoming an accidental author and publishing my very first book began the same day that I found out I had cancer. What a CRAZY, super cool experience that has been. Never in a million years would I have imagined writing and publishing my own book. But then again, never in a million years did I expect to get cancer at the age of 34. You just never know what's going to happen in life. I am so totally for YOLO- You only live once. Because that is exactly what we get; one life and we need to make the absolute MOST of this one life we have. I have learned to not take this life for granted. Life and health is such a gift that I never truly understood until cancer came into the picture. When the big "C" came, I felt such an overwhelming urge to write a book. It was more than an urge, it was God speaking to me, nudging me, whispering into my ear, "cancer came so you can write a book". So I did.
When I look back and really truly think about it, I can't believe that I actually did that. I don't even know how I did it or how I had the time, energy, brain power, stamina, and everything else you need to have when writing words down in a coherent manor. How did I do it? I had so many doctor appointments, scans, pills, meds, infusions and everything else under the sun filling my time and stealing my thoughts with my cancer. How did I write a book in 6 months? God- that's how. God in all his grace, gave me all that I needed to face this long, intense cancer journey and the same God of all grace gave me what I needed to write my very first book! Now that is a true miracle. But I shouldn't really be that surprised, because God is in the business of performing miracles. The verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", runs through my head constantly. God has given me the strength to not only face cancer with a fierce determination to beat it and to live, and he has given me the strength to do the things that I never thought would be possible- becoming an author. I call myself an "accidental author" because writing books at this stage in my life was not on my radar. It was something I had imagined for myself when I was a kid, but not something I planned to do at the age of 34 with 4 little kids to raise, being a wife and mama. But God had other plans. Isn't that always the case? We can plan our course, but God is the one who directs our steps.
Cancer was and is a very scary reality in my life right now. It's been a huge life changing, faith boosting, mind strengthening, fear inducing battle. I have never before put my life, trust, hope and faith into the hands of Jesus like I have since this journey began. I'm not sure where I will be a year from now or what this next year will hold, but knowing God holds my future in His hands and has a plan and a purpose for my life no matter how long or short it is gives me peace.
As for now, my future holds more cancer treatment. More alternative treatments. Eating healthy, taking supplements, getting rid of this crazy cancer and writing my 2nd book. I will basically be living in Denver for 2 weeks the end of this month, so my hope is to get a good portion of my second book completed and Lord willing, get it published this fall. Eeekk!!
This life is a tricky one. With lots of twists and turns. We don't know where our journey will take us, what we will do or become, but our job is to make the most of this one life we have been given. Give it your all. Do your best. Do all the things that you never thought possible. Be the best you that you can be. We won't get out of this life alive, so make the most of the time you have. I am learning that. Every day I am learning more and more. Learning to let go and let God.
Seeing my book on Amazon has been beyond amazing. It's a dream come true. A dream I never really dreamed, but God ordained. I truly can't describe how it feels to accomplish something like that. I am feeling all the feels. If you want to check it out, here is the link-
Thank you to those who have loved me, supported me, and have helped me along this journey! I couldn't have done it without you! You just never know what might happen in your life. You just might do that thing that scares you the most, but brings you the most joy. That thing that gave you the most satisfaction. Gave you hope. Gave you life. Do that thing, because life is short. So, do it today!