Friday, April 13, 2018

Believe Big

So, you know how there are times in life when something takes place that you know is more than a coincidence? Something so divine that you know it is nothing short of a God thing? Well, that happened to me about a month and a half ago. 

Ryan and I were in Florida for FCA Reel time and had an amazing time! We met so many awesome people. People all with one common goal and vision. I absolutely LOVE meeting new people and had a blast getting to fellowship with FCAer's from all across America. But one woman in particular stood out from the rest, though, because she survived cancer. Stage 4 colon cancer no less. 

When you have cancer, you just seem to gravitate to anyone and everyone that has had cancer and is still living. It's like they're an anomaly or something. When you have cancer, you're always looking for the answer, the key, the guide, or the magic pill to cure your own cancer, so when you meet someone who has passed that monumental 5 year mark and is still cancer free, you take notice.

Ivelisse had stage 4 colon cancer 10 years ago and cured it through her diet and through Misletoe. I have talked a little about Mistletoe on my blog in an earlier post. But it is an alternative cancer treatment that fights cancer. I started doing Mistletoe injections through a clinic in Meridian back in September. But I first heard about it from a newly found fellow breast cancer friend about a year ago. Now, I was a little skeptical at first, because, well, it's Mistletoe. It's a green leafy thing that comes out around Christmas time and is used for kissing. I had never heard of it in conjunction with cancer. But I was intrigued. We researched it. My breast cancer friend also told me about this website called, "Believe Big" that offered grants to cancer patients to do IV mistletoe treatments. I remember looking at the website and feeling overwhelmed. I had barely found out I had cancer and my brain was on over load. I didn't know where to begin, who to talk to, and noticed that there weren't any clinics in my area that offered these IV Mistletoe treatments, so I researched no more and all but forgot about "Believe Big".

Fast forward to the end of February at Reel Time and meeting Ivelisse, the founder of "Believe Big". We're at a convention with more than 1500 people and I meet the very lady that started this foundation that I had looked into a year prior. Not a coincidence. 

Now, fast forward to today, I received a grant from "Believe Big" to do these IV Mistletoe treatments in Denver. I will be traveling down there the end of this month and will be doing 10 treatments. I will be there for almost 2 weeks. I'm excited and nervous, but really hopeful. I believe God has lead me to this clinic and this treatment, so I'm excited to see what God is going to do. I have never been away from my kids for more than 6 days, so this will be a stretch for me. But I am praying it will be a rewarding, healing time while I am away. 

When things in life happen that are out of our control(like cancer), we can respond in a myriad of ways. We can become angry and bitter, we can become sad and depressed or we can become hopeful. I have experienced all of these emotions at one time or another. Sometimes all of them at once. But I keep coming back to "hopeful". I believe God is calling me to trust him and to have "hope" that I will be healed and cancer free someday soon. I believe God is calling me to, "Believe Big".

I would so appreciate your prayers as I begin this new journey in my cancer process. It will be a stretching, growing time, but one that I hope proves fruitful.  

Will you believe big with me?



  1. I will Believe Big with you Kimi! You and God got this!! Let me know when you are going and I will fast and pray for you😘

    1. Thank you so much!! I so appreciate that. I will be down there from April 29th-May 11th. Thank you!

  2. Such hopeful news! Praying for you and your family as you start this important journey ❤

  3. Believing BIG along side you and your family Kimi!! I can't wait to see how God uses this to further His Kingdom!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Absolutely i will believe big and pray big for you dear. I am sure Goss blessing is with you and leading you.
